Please help us to keep CC. Magazine going…

We are a small team of just three people with a passion for collage and we’re on a mission to showcase the most inspirational collage art from across the world. We set up CC. Magazine without any funding, so we're growing organically and we're just about keeping our heads above water. Our Blog is free to access, but by signing up to a small monthly donation you'll be helping us to keep going and growing.

Thank you for your support,
Les, Molly & Wilf

There are lots of other benefits, including a lovely thank you gift...

Be inspired
Access to inspirational interviews and articles with artists across the world.

Your lovely FREE gift
An exclusive PDF download of the best bits of Contemporary Collage Magazine - a 400 page curation of some of our favourite articles, open calls and challenge submissions from the past few years.

Exclusive content…
…that doesn't feature in our quarterly publications.

Be in the know…
…with information about forthcoming Collage events, book launches and CC. Magazine events.

Get involved
The opportunity to take part in open calls and challenges and see your work featured.

…get a warm fuzzy feeling inside, knowing you're part of a worldwide collage community!

Thank you so much for your support!