Contemporary Collage Project Workshop 

18th / 19th / 20th OCTOBER | £375

3 Day Workshop with Les Jones

This three day, project-based workshop is aimed at established collage artists looking to expand and develop their art practice alongside their peers.

Across the three days, participating artists will develop a collage-based project using materials provided, culminating in a group ‘show and tell’ on late Sunday afternoon.

You will also have the opportunity to meet other artists and gain an insight into their approaches and methodologies.

Workshop agenda


Ahead of the weekend, we will send you a project brief along with some potential creative avenues to consider for your project. You should arrive on day one, with some outline ideas for your project that you are able to share with the group.

We will send you photographs of the range of collage materials that will be available for you during the workshop.

Day 1

We’ll start the day with an introduction to the materials that are available for your project. These will be provided, though you are also welcome to bring your own.

You will then have time to choose the materials you want to work with initially (you can add to these throughout the three days).

Each artist will then have an opportunity to briefly talk about their project concept and receive feedback and input from the group.

From early afternoon, you should start making your first collages.

The day will finish with a group discussion and relaxed crit.

Day 2

This day will be largely given over to making collage work. With regular interventions to receive feedback and discussion from Les and your peers. 

The day finishes with group discussion and crit.

On the Saturday evening, we will be organising an optional group social at a local Italian restaurant. A chance to relax, chat and swap stories over a beer or glass of wine.

Day 3

The morning will be given over to collage making, with plenty of opportunity for discussion, feedback and mentoring.

Towards the end of the afternoon, we will gather for a final group ‘show and tell’.

How to book

This workshop is for artists who want to develop their practice and explore new themes within their work. We are keen to bring an eclectic group of artists together. For that reason we are not taking direct bookings, but initially invite expressions of interest. We’ll let you know if you’ve been invited to join the group.

If you’d like to be considered, please fill in the form and we’ll be in touch.